CES Fair, Press release English 13.12.2022

High Tech Wellness Innovation from the Happiest Country in the World

What do zebras have to do with stress relief? Well that is a question you would not connect with wellness technology. But it actually makes sense.

What does a zebra do after it has been chased by a lion?

It shakes. Vibration is a natural mechanism that has a balancing effect directly on the autonomic nervous system. And what works for zebras, works for us humans, too.

Neurosonic is an innovative recovery technology developed in the happiest country in the world, Finland. Neurosonic relaxation devices produce low-frequency vibrations that have a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system and direct the body to a deep relaxation. The vibration frequencies are designed to awaken our body’s natural way to relieve stress.

Since 2009, the company has helped thousands of people to relax better, improve recovery and restore healthy sleep mechanisms. Neurosonic mattresses, chaise longues and recliners are used in hospitals, at workplaces, in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, by athletes and private customers all around the world.

Neurosonic is launching a brand new Generation 2 product at CES®, the proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators in January 5-8, 2023 held in Las Vegas. Meet us at North Hall, Booth 8055!


Press & Contact Information
Juha Suoniemi
+358 40 763 9674